Educator Profile - Casandra

Why do you like working in Family Day Care? I have loved working in family day care as it’s allowed me to watch my own children grow while providing a income for my family.
I love the small setting and strong relationships I have built over the years.
I enjoy watching the children grow and develop into little people.
What is your favourite pastime? I enjoy going to the gym, snowboarding, playing netball and camping.
What is your favourite food? I love my international cuisine Thai, Dumplings, Gozome and Indian are some of my favourite foods.
Cities, countries you have visited. I have visited most Cities in Australia yet to See Tasmania and NT.
I have travelled through the south pacific on a cruise, visited Fiji and regularly visit Bali.
Our next trip is to snow board in Whistler Canada.
All Time Favorite Activity to do with the day care children? My all time favourite thing to do with the day care children is to sing at the top of my voice and dance like no one is watching. It doesn’t matter how bad you sing they all sing along and love it. The sillier the better!