Welcome to My Home Your Home FDC

This newsletter is just a little introduction about the service and what you can expect from us.
Your child's educator will receive fortnightly visits from myself or Leonie. During these visits we will complete various checklists to ensure that the care being received is in a safe environment and is compliant with the Regulations and National Law.
We have already met some of your children and look forward to getting to know them during our visits.
From time to time you may receive a phone call from us just to check in to receive any feedback you may have about the service. We will also ask you some questions about your child's care, attendance and fees. We won't keep you for long this is just to aid us in monitoring for compliance with regulations, it will also ensure we maintain our Child Care Benefit Approval and help us with our own quality standards.
If you are unable to talk at the time, that's okay we may send you an email with a couple of questions to answer in your own time.