Educator Training

Our educators regularly participate in their own professional development to ensure their skills remain current.
Some of our educators have recently attended a training session on 'Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives in Early Childhood Curriculums'.
Our Educators continue to work through the BeYou modules and are also focusing on Munch and Move.
Early next year My Home Your Home Family Day Care will be holding a training session on Aboriginal inspired art. Here is a little about the workshop:
Aboriginal inspired art experience in an early childhood context is so much more than just collaged red, black and yellow flags and cotton bud dot paintings. This workshop will inspire educators and open them up to the many possibilities of how they can facilitate respectful Aboriginal inspired art experiences with children.
Educators will acquire knowledge on both traditional and contemporary art practices and will be exposed to children’s literature and resources that support the inclusion of Aboriginal perspectives in their art curriculum.
There will also be an opportunity to engage in a practical hands-on art experience.